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The Final Ride of Phil Dewhurst

Friday 1st March saw a large team travel to The Anchor pub at Hutton near Preston to escort the funeral cortege of Phil who was the very popular Vice Chair of a local bike club. Bikers from all over the UK assembled on the car park, the final count was in excess of 100. The route through the centre of Preston was challenging to say the very least but we managed to keep everyone together in spite of the very heavy Friday traffic and the numerous sets of traffic lights, most on red ! Eventually we arrived at Preston Crematorium, a Police Traffic crew was waiting for us to hold the oncoming traffic and allow us to turn right through the gates without delay. The 'pilot' bike took Phil in the hearse right to the front door of the chapel.

Bikemarshals have received many messages from those attending thanking us for doing a fantastic job getting so many riders to the crem in a virtually seam-free way...we were proud to have been of assistance.


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